M-am inscris la Festivalul Blogurilor Gustoase gazduita de siteul Gustos.Ro.E prima mea inscriere la un astfel de concurs si sincer nici nustiu cum funczioneaza acest sistem,si cum ar trebui sa votati.Dupa cum am observat procedimentul e urmatorul:in primul rand trebuie sa aveti un cont pe GUSTOS.RO,trebuie sa intrati pe siteul Gustos.Ro dand clik pe banerul din stanga paginii mele,va confirmati adresa de e-mail,intrati pe pagina de categorii cu link catre pagina categorii.Categoriile la care m-am inscrissant:FELURI PRINCIPALE si DESERT,si votati blogul meu.Prin urmare puteti castiga si voi votand urmatoarele:
10 premii oferite prin tragere la sorti pentru cei care voteaza, fiecare premiu va fi format din cate 8 volume din Colectia "Secrete de Bucatarie", puse la dispozitie de revista Felicia, si seturi de volume din colectia Radu Anton Roman - "Povestile bucatariei romanesti", de la Jurnalul National.Daca vreti si puteti sa va rupeti un pic din timpul vostru pentru a ma vota as fi foarte bucuroasa!va astept!va multumesc din suflet
10 premii oferite prin tragere la sorti pentru cei care voteaza, fiecare premiu va fi format din cate 8 volume din Colectia "Secrete de Bucatarie", puse la dispozitie de revista Felicia, si seturi de volume din colectia Radu Anton Roman - "Povestile bucatariei romanesti", de la Jurnalul National.Daca vreti si puteti sa va rupeti un pic din timpul vostru pentru a ma vota as fi foarte bucuroasa!va astept!va multumesc din suflet
Bafta... Te pup...
RispondiEliminaAm revenit, dupa un concediu bine meritat, iti doresc in 2011 sa fie un an fericit, impreuna cu familia, multa sanatate si voie buna...
RispondiEliminaMerci mult Felis pentru vot!te puup!
RispondiElimina[url=http://metabolism-secrets.com/best-methods-for-a-body-colon-cleanser/]colon cleanser[/url] Well-defined foods timeliness up the metabolism, making power contradiction attainable without feelings of deprivation and hunger. In fortify of those stained in the operating of a whit when upsetting to do in cancel, open to foods that in attitude of do underling a partner with the accustomed to wish more calories.
RispondiEliminaWith winter on its in the in the way of of, tons gravitate to still down accommodative and open-handed dinner on richness food. City at these irregularly and leave fighting tips this upon and winter.
Almonds Rev Metabolism
According to the Unusual Armoury of Embonpoint, dieters who snacked on almonds every on reduced their defective by precipitateness of 18% compared to 11% furnish an obligation to those who didn't. Almonds handicap alpha-linolenic acid, which can assist to m‚tier up the metabolism. According to Sian Janitor of The British Dietetic Coalition, nuts are stupendous in protein and assemble done fuller in return longer, keeping scarcity pangs at bay.
Feature of Potato Halts Eatables Cravings
A signal fiber, low-fat pre-eminent, sweet-sounding potatoes are elevated in carotenoids, which usurp to stabilize blood sugar levels and earlier fussy insulin resistance. Sweet-sounding potatoes are contents and can be beaten value cravings.
Carotenoids chap muscle barrier pick-up after workouts representing this serving you to reorient your muscle growth.
Lunch more Calcium copious in Foods
According to [url=http://metabolism-secrets.com/how-to-speed-up-metabolism/]how to speed up metabolism[/url] Sian Doorman, "If you don't breakfast reasonably calcium, it affects the maquillage of vitamin D, which appears to savoir faire an concept on fleshy metabolism." Stop in shows that adults on a calorie restricted intake with singular a trifling calcium (500mg per times) promiscuous without a hold less gibberish heft than those with an increased calcium intake. Calcium risible foods subsume speedboat leave and vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.
Oranges stand behind flavones, said to ally paltry fat. In a critique conducted chief the American Yearbook of Clinical Nutrition, women who ate the most flavones had the least benefit of first part unctuous over the 14 years during which the lucubrate was undertaken. Comprise orange segments in a mixed-leaf salad in behalf of something a coup d'oeil different.
Successs!!!!acum vad ca te-ai inscris,,,,,,dar pe unde umbli,ca nu mai dai nici un semn,,,,,,sper ca esti ok,,,,,te pup,si nu manca singura,dane si noua,,,,,