
sabato 7 agosto 2010


80 gr ricotta
6-7 masline negre,rosii,verzi,etc..
cateva fire de patrunjel
2 fire de marar
2-3 frunzulite de busuioc verde

Se zbat ouale cu un pic de sare si piper
Peste oua adaugam ricota pe care am scurs-o de zeama
Adaugam toate celelalta ingrediente peste omleta(patrunjelul,mararul , busuiocul si maslinele taiate rondele si scos samburele)
ungem o oala mai mica cu putin ulei si turnam omleta in ea
acoperim oala cu hartie de cop si dam la cuptorul incalzit 10-15 minute la 200°C

Dupa ce s-a copt o lasam un pic sa se mai racoreasca,o rasturnam pe o farfurie dupa care se poate portiona!
Usor si foarte repede de facut si foarte gustoasa!

24 commenti:

  1. Cred ca este delicioasa omleta , eu o fac cu ceapa si cu sunculita , trasnet !

  2. Foarte frumos,am observat ca-ti place lucruri fine si deosebite,super...

  3. Gabriela esta tortilla con ricota es deliciosa, me gusta la combinación de sabores.
    Besos y buen fin de semana

  4. Tare imbietoare,mmmmmmmm.......Pupici si duminica placuta!!!!!

  5. Buonissima e leggera questa omelette, ottima idea, bbrava Gabriela!!!

  6. Si mie i-mi place cu ceapa si sunculita CT,numai ca o parte din membrii familiei uraste ceapa si din cand in cand mai fac si altfel de omlete!pupici!

  7. E adevarat Surac i-mi plac lucrurile foarte fine si bune numai ca nu stiu sa fac prea multe!numai bine!

  8. Gracias Annie,e buen fin de semama un besos!

  9. Mmmmm!merci,Mirelus draguta ca de obicei te pupic si o zi buna!

  10. Grazie Speedy70,ti auguro una bella giornata,un bacio!

  11. Merci alialexa,si mie mi-a placut!pup si o zi minunata!

  12. sincer n-am idee ce gust are omleta la cuptor dar imi place mult combinatia de ou,branza , de aspect nici nu mai are rost sa pomenesc totusi nu ma pot abtine...arata superrr.
    pup cu drag
    PS:unde ai disparut.daca esti in vacanta atunci iti urez distractie placuta

  13. Unde esti draguta,iarasi te-ai inrolat?,hei da un semn de viata.Pupicei dragut-o!!!!

  14. e o adevarata arta si banala hrana de zi cu zi!
    o zi linistita!

  15. Shoes specially made for losing weight are available today and [B][URL=]mbt shoes review[/URL][/B] can be quite effective. These shoes have been out for a while and some companies have risen to the top [B]mbt shoes review[/B] demonstrated that they can provide a quality product to consumers. One [U]MBT[/U] such type of these shoes is the MBT Shoe made by a company called Swiss Masai. In case you [U][B]MBT shoes[/U][/B] did not MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology. In this write up we want to take a [U]MBT shoes[/U] closer look at these special shoes.

    The development and idea behind the MBT shoe design is quite [U][B]mbt shoes review[/U][/B] interesting. What the shoe attempts to do is structure the shape of the shoe so [U]mbt sandals[/U] that it simulates walking on sand. Specifically, the they want to attempt to make it as if you are walking [U]mbt shoes review[/U] along the natural sand environment of the Masai in Kenya. Sports trainers have known for quite a while now [U]mbt discount shoes[/U] that working out on dry sand is a great way to get in excellent cardiovascular condition. As you [U]MBT shoes[/U] walk on sand it creates an uneven surface on your feet and it forces you to shift your center of gravity to [U]footwear etc[/U] an unnatural position. Your body compensates for this by using several different [B]mbt walking shoes[/B] muscle groups in your feet, calves, thighs, and torso that you would not use wearing typical shoes. This is the ideas [U]mbt sneakers[/U] behind the MBT weight loss shoes and it does seem to [B][URL=]MBT shoes[/URL][/B] work for some people.

    More specifically, MBT makes several positive claims [U]buy mbt shoes[/U] and benefits from wearing their shoes. They will take muscle groups [U][B]buy mbt shoes[/U][/B] not normally used in walking and make them active. The shoes will give you a better posture, and a more effective [U][B]mbt shoes sale[/U][/B] gait when walking with or without the shoes. It can [B]footwear etc[/B] potentially help you with problems you may have with your back, hips, legs, and feet. The [U][B]mbt walking shoes[/U][/B] shoes can help you recover from injuries to your [B]buy mbt shoes[/B] tendons, joints, ligaments, or muscles. The shoes are also designed to alleviate tension and stress [U]mbt shoes sale[/U] on your lower joints.

    Overall owners of the MBT shoe really like the results. [B]MBT shoes[/B] It is typical that if you walk for three or four miles at a time for several times [U][B]MBT[/U][/B] per week you will experience some weight loss. Some people are using them for every day [U]mbt shoes review[/U] use and find that this helps to keep their legs toned and looking nice. These are just walking [U][B]MBT[/U][/B] shoes you really do not want to use them for running. It is recommended that you go to a store and try them on, as you [B]mbt shoes review[/B] want to make sure the heel is snug and fits correctly. If the shoes fit correctly they should feel snug and it should [B]MBT shoes[/B] feel as though you are walking on stilts when you walk in [U]mbt sandals[/U] them.

  16. Sarah,nu am plecat inca in vacanta,am avut musafiri toata saptamana si abia aseara mi-au plecat!Eu plec saptamana viitoare!Te pup si ne mai auzim!

  17. Nu m-am inrolat inca,abia saptamana viitoare ma inrolez!I-ti multumesc foarte mult ca i-ti faci griji pentru mine Mirela, si ca ma cauti,apreciez foarte mult acest lucru si nu am cuvinte sa-ti multumesc atat tie cat si lui Sarah1Te pup si i-ti urez o zi minunata!

  18. Multumesc Kis,si bine ai venit in vizita la mine!Te mai astept!I-ti doresc o zi minunata!

  19. Mergea si juma' de ardei gras rosu taiat cubulete , dadea bine si la imagine :)Mersi pentru comentariu ! Arati sexy in bucatarie !

  20. Ai dreptate Paprika,mergea foarte bine si un ardei gras rosu!merci de comentariu cat despre sexy, cam indoiesc,oricum i-ti multumesc pentru compliment!i-ti doresc o zi linistita!

  21. Mersi , la fel ! Mi-ai dat o idee cu reteta asta si am sa fac o frittata , bineinteles insotita de poze ...

  22. Paprika,abia astept sa vad ce frittata faci,sigur va fi delicioasa!spor la gatit!o zi faina!
